emroce is the only zero waste swimwear brand in the world, cutting all items from zero waste, tessellating patterns so that no fabric is discarded.
Our cutting patterns are designed to fit together perfectly like a puzzle. This technique, inspired by the zero waste patterns of Japanese Kimono, propels creativity, allows us to keep our prices low due to less manufacturing costs & stops quarter of our fabric from ending up in landfill.
The emroce studio is a laboratory where over the last 10 years we have developed a zero waste business model & design methods which can be applied to large fast fashion companies. The incentive being that it saves on average 40% of fabric from being sent to landfill, therefore it is very economically rewarding and ecologically friendly. One such company who has reached out to emroce for our knowledge of zero waste pattern making is Decathlon who are the largest sporting goods retailer in the world. This collaboration happened thanks to the ZWDO Collective who connect all zero waste designers for the sake of sharing this wisdom to all.
We hope that more companies will see the benefits of zero waste design as Decathlon has, and will follow suit by either contacting us directly or the
ZWDO collective.
By purchasing your swimwear from emroce.com you are supporting the growth of this small New Zealand company with Italian roots. You are also strengthening our voice and helping us to create a real change in the fashion industry.
Please contact the company director and head designer Emma La Rocca with any queries via our contact tab at the bottom of the page.

Hi I'm Emma La Rocca, I design, research, patternmake, cut and sew everything you see on this website, often with an intern working alongside me. We work this magic in our Papamoa studio. As we sew we listen to love enhancing podcasts or pumping techno to put those extra good feels into each piece. I always say 'We' because it is never just me who is creating this. It's the people around me, anyone who's sent us an encouraging word, the sustainable fabric suppliers, the customers who keep us going. We're all in this together.
We create inspirational designs to encourage change, as the current production and consumption models are too damaging to our health and our planet. Our styles are designed to stay on in the surf to encourage women to have fearless fun in the water and to cultivate a wider appreciation and respect for our rivers, lakes and oceans.
We focus on pattern making to create zero waste lay plans and are constantly researching for innovative sustainable fabrics. Each of our collections address different issues in diverse ways as there is not one answer as to how things should be done better. Our swimwear came to fruition in Italia but we have now moved home, so is made by us in New Zealand with recycled, high quality Italian fabrics. All designs are stripped to their basic necessities and our efforts are focused on achieving the perfect fit and creating a completely functional and zero waste garment. We know that the power for change is in the hands of the consumer. Through the things we buy, we decide who, what, where, when and how our products are made. With every purchase you make, you are investing in the companies that you want to keep in this world.
Please consume wisely.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels” -Albert Einstein-
Ispirando il mondo ad incoraggiare il consumo etico.
emroce è un azienda di moda etica gestita da Emma La Rocca. Noi creiamo designs ispirati ad incoraggiare cambiamento, dato che I metodi di produzione e consumi correnti sono estremamenti dannosi per la salute dei lavoratori e del nostra pianeta.
Noi non facciamo semplicemente belli abiti.
Esploriamo molti modi differenti per le nostre creazioni essendo consapevoli che non esiste una verità assoluta sul come fare le cose. I nostri costumi da bagno sono fatti da noi in New Zealand con tessuti italiani di alta qualità. Tutti pezzi sono spogliati fino a le loro necessità di base e i nostri sforzi sono focalizzati sul raggiungimento della vestibilità perfetta e la creazione di un capo completamente funzionale.
Il potere del cambiamento è nelle mani del consumatore, attraverso l'aquisito, decide cui, quando, dove e come i nostri prodotti sono fabricati.