Large fashion company
We offer you in house consulting, our general Masterclasses & personalized masterclasses
Taught in person
-Personalized masterclasses taught in your business, for your business-
Masterclass 1: Designer & Patternmaker collaboration - 3hours
Masterclass 2: Grading for zero waste patterns - 4hours
Masterclass 3: Analyzing our markers - 3hours
1x class = $1500
2x classes = $2500
3x classes = $3500
To book more than one class at the discounted rate, the classes must be held on consecutive days. 20people max per class
Masterclass 1: Designer & Patternmaker collaboration - 3hours -
Objective: To integrate pattern making, drape & marker making into the design process in order to create less fabric waste.
- An introduction to the design processes of other zero waste designers. This will give examples of some techniques that we can use.
- Choose a design sketch that you would like to make OR a finished pattern that you would like to recreate with zero waste.
- Working in pairs or as a designer alone create a zero or minimal waste marker for your chosen design.
Masterclass 2: Grading for zero waste patterns - 4hours -
Objective: To explore and test the different solutions to grading zero waste patterns.
- An introduction to the different ways that we can grade a zero waste pattern.
- Using a zero waste pattern that you've created or a pattern of another zero waste designer we will apply the conventional grading method and will create a new marker of the smallest and largest sizes to test if grading the pattern conventionally results in zero/minimal waste.
- We will make small changes to the conventionally graded pattern pieces if needed, to achieve a better yield.
- You will apply a zero waste grading technique that you think best suits your pattern, marker, fabric and garment.
- We will compare the conventional grading technique & your chosen zero waste grading technique for speed and accuracy.
Masterclass 3: Analyzing our markers - 3hours -
Objective: To analyse a marker of your choice and manipulate it with minimal changes to the pattern pieces, in order to create less waste.
- An introduction to the process giving examples of how we can work through this task.
- Working individually or in small groups, we will use your preferred computer programmes &/or 10% sized paper patterns to minimalize the waste in your original marker.
- We will calculate the savings made.
Tools to bring:
A marker of your choice
Pattern making equipment - eg. Awl, pencil, ruler, setsquare, scissors
Lap top with your pattern making / marker making programmes. You might need Adobe illustrator for this task.
Contact us to book a personalized masterclass or to discuss zero waste design consulting:
Emma La Rocca . . 0272291978

-We invite your team members to join our open masterclasses-
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